Contact-less QR Menu

Create a digital menu for your Restaurant or Bar. Engage more with your customers.

Their mobile is your menu now!

The most comprehensive platform for QR digital menu

There are platforms where you can make QR code, but no menu. There are platforms where you can create a menu but not design your QR

We do both.

Create a Digital Menu

Create your menu directly on our platform. Update anytime. Easy And Simple

  • Real-time changes
  • Organize into categories
  • Extras and items variants

Create QR

8 different designs. Unlimited color options. Choose QR and Flayer style.

  • Beautiful QR Styles
  • Pick QR color
  • Print templates for download

Go Digital

Now your visitors will use their mobile phone camera to access your menu.

  • No mobile app required
  • Super-fast online menu – PWA
  • View analytics



Got any questions? I'm happy to help.